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Hello I love the game so far, but I seem to be stuck on the Key i got from the Forestkin Chief on MT Pleasant.  Where do I find the keyhole for it, cause I have tried it all around the Master's House but it doesnt fit anywhere



Thank you for playing!

Try exploring around in the farmland area and you should find somewhere to use it. ^ ^

Ok how would someone get to Castle Hargrove and Demon Spire?

also thanks help on that info

(1 edit)

There's some steps to that:

  1. Make sure you have gotten all of the Jewels and Tomes except for the Black Jewel. This includes the Black Tome.
  2. Place them in the Hall of Orbs in Gianna Castle, then a cutscene will play.
  3. Go to Sea Market, where an Avian captain will be on the docks.

Is there anyway to get the Orb perks after you place them on the pedestals?


As of version 2.1, they should unlock automatically when you place them, but if you're using a transferred save from 2.0 where Orbs have already been placed, I'm afraid they're unobtainable for that playthrough.


Dang, guess I'll just have to 100% it again


I'm having a lot of fun so far!  But I'm kind of stuck on one point.  How do I activate the golems in the tomb?  What do I need for them?


Glad to hear it and thanks for playing!!

For those golems, you'll need a Soulgem. If you haven't seen those yet, try the Forsaken Tower in Gianna Forest.


Ahhhh, I see.  Thank you very much!

In my denseness I am stuck on the ghost express in the library is the end of the content for this area or am i just missing something obvious.?

p.s how to I tf back into maids after the mansion area? 

Seems like you need to do a bit of random reading. Party members can be turned back into maids (not disguised ones) with Yterre.

pardon me but for the life of me i cant find where to use the cumstained key from the green house in mt pleasant.

found the answer had to interact with the scrolls on the maesters desk loving the game really happy with the amount of content and hope more keeps getting added

Glad to hear it, thank you!

More is definitely on the way as well - next planned step is difficulty modes and a Steam release!

so not sure if this is a bug or if i just missed something but Lilina completely disappeared after getting the green orb.

It certainly sounds like a bug, unfortunately.

If this or something like it happens, I've placed a hidden space in the Hall of Orbs room that can return missing party members to the party. Just interact with the black wall space directly across from the Blue Orb's spot.

Sorry about this and I'll continue fixing bugs for the next version!


I figured out what caused the problem. If you fail the fight against The sculptor and the Lilina golem it causes a sequence break of some sort and going back to rematch doesn't start the cutscene for the fight or the ending.

oh that’s good 

any chance of this coming to steam

Hopefully, yes! I'm going to try and have it available before the end of April, but things often come up that delays those plans. I'll be announcing it here when it is, though!

hello just started playing your game and enjoying it so far. just 1 question is the h content (scenes) only in the bad ends and if yes are there plans to add h content in other ways? thanks

Well, I suppose it depends on how you define H content since there's a lot that happens during the battles as well. Other than that, some H events can happen in the overall story, but most of it is in the Bad Ends, yes.

Are there a android port in this game

Unfortunately no, I haven't looked into mobile game options for RPG Maker yet. I will give it a look if I get the time!

Amazing game, love the huge variety of content, the depth, and the shockingly deep worldbuilding!

There's just one thing I seem to be stuck on. Well, perhaps two. It seems like there should be a way to walk on the darker patches of lava in the Demons' Spire, but I've got no idea what it is. Also I'm not sure how to get at the chest behind Marisa.


Thank you very much!! I'm always very happy to hear such nice things about the game.

(Spoiler answers for your questions below:)

1) You'll need to equip a Flame Amulet on a party member first in order to cross the lava, and

2) That chest is only important for lore reasons, more or less. You can't access it.

(2 edits)

there is a thing I don't understand, when samona becomes a puppet I can't put any puppet accessories on her, it's intentional or a bug, because if it's intentional, it wouldn't make sense because she was a puppet goddess and she seemed to have all her senses and the only thing you use is the common object to detransform her, shouldn't she be able to return to her form with the objects on her workbench? because you can transform companions into their puppet god form. I forgot to mention that when they die if they are transformed into puppets samona god, the same thing happens as the enemies with dresses on the train when trying to recover them the characters disappear from the formation


Well, there's actually a way to get her Attachments to work hidden away in West Beach somewhere... (Though her being unable to use them in puppet form is unintended, so I'll be trying to fix that soon.)

I may add something in the future for Samona regaining her "Puppet Goddess" form, but as for now, she can only mold the others to her wishes.

ok thanks for the info i'll look it up, and sorry if i'm too annoying


Not at all! Thank you for playing!

(3 edits)

Is there anyway to find and fight specific enemies? I fear I may have locked myself out of a journal entry, Ripvannibala. (I have edited this comment a few times to update the list of ones that I've haven't found.) If there isn't, could you please add a feature where getting an orb or tome unlocks the missable entries related to that area?


You shouldn't be locked out of Ripvannibala, unless there was a change to the City of Mist challenge line.

Yeah, I discovered that she is the first enemy in the Mischief challenges, so I was able to unlock her entry from that.

I have a question.

I got one of the two added in the update at the West Beach Outpost, but I don't know where the other fellow is. I've looked for hints in the game, but so far I have no idea where she is.


With puppet in your party: check outside of the orc city. You'll find a familiar golden statue.


I didn't know that... Thank you for telling me!

(Spoilers below, of course:)

If you start at Tabnath (the Orc city) and go south, you'll see a narrow pathway that leads to the new area. Be sure to bring a puppet!


Thanks for letting me know!


Oh, odd little bug I just ran into, but it appears if you equip the Sharpshooter Hat onto the Lost Wizard character while she's wearing the Eternal Vow Ring, it will be unequipped once you leave/change the menu, and the "head" slot will temporarily be renamed to a second "weapon" slot. Also, for some reason, I seem to have been given 3 Eternal Vow Rings, not sure if that's intentional or not.

Yes, that's certainly unintentional, haha. I'll be working on a 2.1 version with plenty of bugfixes for later this week, hopefully. Thank you for the report and feel free to visit the game's Discord where we have a full bug reporting channel:


an idea, since you can get the orc papyrus to transform your characters into orc (it is obtained in a secret area of the forgotten bastion, before they give it to you normally), as in the laboratory that when transforming us into drones the orcs leave you pass without asking you or even that there may be special interactions, by the way your game is very good, keep growing and growing, nobody can stop you


Thank you very much!!

Special Orc interactions have been requested for a while now, so I'll probably add them in a future update. For now, just assume that the Orcs have some way to tell that your party isn't "real" Orcs, haha.


I have discovered an error that makes samona when she  transforms into an orc keeps the level of the base class  and does not restart like the others, if I find another  error or bug I will let you know


Well now I'm just sad... I know I have to beat Kasmut to progress the story, and I don't really want to force anyone into being a mindless servant unless they really deserve it (I believe that should be something we choose to be) but I also don't wanna make the poor girl cry, now I'm conflicted... XP


Sorry to hear that! XD

If it helps, it's mostly her choice to submit that way since you're giving her every opportunity to escape...


Well, fair enough. XD


Is their a unlock gallery (bad end journal)? I finally finished the game tried endings 01, 02 and 03. Find 03 to be the best though!


Thanks for playing and congratulations on beating the game!

There isn't a way to unlock all of the Bad Ends in the journal, but the fans have put together a list of Bad Ends and other information in this Google Document:

Follow the instructions there and you should be able to find all of them!

Someone save me from my horrid memory.

I took care of the wildfolk causing trouble at Pleasant village, told their leader about it and...completely brain farted and can't remember what she told me to do afterwards.  I don't know what to do next and have no clues to go on.  ><

(1 edit)

Been awhile, but try exploring the mayor's house with the key you obtained from wildfolk fight, and then afterwards explore the fields till you find a hidden greenhouse.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Is there a way to tell where you are in the main quest line and what the next step is?

Also, I kind of left Sinian pregnant too long and now she has a new status with red eggs.  This isn't showing up in the journal and I can't remove it, any info?


The game has free-roam approach, so no real directions beyond exploring everywhere.

To cure the advanced state you need distilled orc antibody, the orc city sells them once you open the shaman shop.

Hey there.

First great game really. Then I wondered if we could and if so, where to find Maharani ?


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

The Puppetmaster (Maharani) is not in the game as of now. I'm planning on adding her to the game, though!



Hello again. Now it will be my last questions, because i have no idea how to solve this three problems. First. Magic shop in beach outpost. Can i open it and if yes how ?     How to become true city of mist noble ?

The last one. How to cure hieroglyph, caused by fragment (key item) ?

Thank you a lot for your previous answers, dear Vheil. They helping me to normally play and enjoying your beautiful game. And sorry for my poor English


Q1: Currently the shop is not open, but likely saved for future expansions.

Q2: Could you clarify what you mean? I know that wearing the mask over a period of time will merge with your character, making them a noble, and equiping a baton accessory will make them a conductor with unique skills.

Q3: In leftmost room there's a glowing seal, interact with a crack 'n pickaxe next to it, then check either left or right hallway (depends on the character) with a gorgon braid in your inventory.


Thank you for your answers!

No problem and happy to help any time. 

On the topic of your Q1, good news: there's an update for games' discord that shows image preview of both magic shop being accessible and the area south of the outpost. Wonder how close this update is to a full release, but exciting stuff regardless!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you very much for the support!!

That's a very unfortunate bug! ^ ^; I'll add it to the bugfix list. Thank you!

Playing the demo, I'm at the sea port place? I went to go activate a shop and ended up in a random encounter. I won but i'm stuck at an error message since it seemed the battle started just as I tried to open the shop.


Hello, KuraScropia, thanks for playing!

Unfortunately, this bug was fixed in the full game, but hasn't been in the demo, apparently. ^ ^; Sorry about that! I'll try to get some fixes up by the end of the week.


First of all, i love the game. second i have a problem in the game. After getting the green orb, Lilina did not come back to my party. Did i do something wrong?

Unfortunately, that seems to be a bug some are running into. Are you using the most recent version (1.4)? It should be a bit more stable there.

Otherwise, you can interact with the wall directly south of the blue pedestal in the Hall of Orbs to "return" party members that are lost.

Thank you for playing!

How did you even win that fight?  The golem guards the boss and then you are completely helpless to do anything because the golem is invincible and never stops guarding.

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe Spoilers 

Hello, today i've come with 3 problems. First. I have found a bad-end infinity cycle. If you have 2 characters and your first character wearing skeleton mask and you use soul stone on the second, cycle will begin. After Bed End you will start with character in skeleton mask, what will cause another Bed End. 

Second. There is the last of 4 bald sisters ? I have found 1 in cathedral, 2 in tomb and the last one in gallery. 

Last problem. It is possible to open house, near to sea market and if it possible, how ?

Thank you, dear author. 


Thank you very much for playing!

  • Thank you for reporting this! I'll work on a fix for the next update.
  • You can find the fourth sister by starting at the Chateau and going east until you find a cave.
  • If you mean the small cabin by the river, you can steal a Bandit Key from Lewd Bandit enemies that will open that door.

I hope you continue to enjoy the game!


Really enjoy this game. So much fun mechanic to explore and utilize. But don't you think items do not take a turn to use kinda ruin the fun of this game? I mean, items are easy to stockpile. One can buy tons of it and clear all of status effect without taking a turn. Otherwise really fun game. Hope I can find more game filled with bunch of sexy status effects like this one.


The items being a free action is meant to make the game much easier, yes, but that's a conscious decision because I don't want to make the game too difficult for players who just want to play it for the hentai.

I am going to be adding both an Easy and Hard mode in the future, so please look forward to that!

(2 edits)

Good to know. (Spoiler Alert!)And I might need your help here. I can't find the Alchemist Lady the councilor mentioned. Is she related to the Lab deep in the forest? Also, what do you mean by "good amounts"? (Spoiler Alert!) Cheer II and Cheer III has exactly same effect(raise hp and lust a bit) as base form. Maybe it is a bug?


Hello again, dear Vhiel. Because of my bad english i cant undertand how get blue tome (Spolers. I have seen him in magic shop near to sea market, but cant take this) and i do not understand how to cross the coty of mist (Spoilers. i have 5 mask fragment and cant cross location with 4 houses)/ Please, help me


Hello, lazur_koul, thank you for playing!

  • For the Blue Tome, find an item called "Council's Invitation." You can get one by talking to the Prime Minister, Lady Marisa. Then go to Jyla's manor and speak to her maid, Vorosess.
  • For the City of Mist, once you have 5 mask fragments, look at the glass door. The glass door can be found by going south from the Fast Travel point and into the stairs there. From there, you can fight the boss.

Thank you!!! And thank you again for this beautiful game. I really like to spend here my free time.

Thank you very much! Please enjoy the game to its fullest!

(1 edit) (+1)

First of all I love this game its amazing haven't had such great time hunting bad ends in such a long time and was constantly impressed by the changes based on how you handled the area. One bug I encountered however is that I get stopped by the Cerberus statue in the boss rush not triggering a fight and also blocking the path forward. Not a big deal I had already done pretty much everything else.  I was on ver 1.4 although I had done some of the early game like the sea market and tower on ver 1.3. I defeated Cerberus normally and then again once during the boss challenge and this was my second time entering the boss rush area however I didn't get to Cerberus the first time, I had left the area after one boss to go fill up on consumables.

Thank you, I'm glad you like it!!

I have heard of the Cerberus Guards bug in the Boss Rush; I'll be fixing that in the next update. Thanks for reporting, though!

What's the use of Yterre crystal shard?


For the shard, there are only two options:

  1. Use it on the mirror in the gallery of the Chateau d'Yterre, then find Madame Yterre and follow her or wait around for a while and she'll go to the mirror, where you can recruit her to your party without fighting her.
  2. You can sell it for a decent amount of gold.

Thank you for playing!


Love the game, I'm just a bit stumped at one of the areas. In the forsaken tower there is a golem that requires a diamond shaped object. I've searched far and wide but can't find it. Really enjoying the game, looking forward to what's next!


Thank you! I'm glad you're liking it!

The diamond-shaped object in question is a Soulgem, which can be obtained through various means, including the Empty Soulgem item. There's actually a vendor who sells these if you look around!


if you haven't found out yet, search the tower for the soul gem collector, and use it on one of your allies, then plonk it into the golem.


End up buying it anyway, can't wait for steam release lol. Really great, lots of content. Don't really wanna bother you anymore but i think i find some bugs a bit bothersome(not gamebreaking):

1. Sometimes skill that doesn't take a turn to use up a turn anyway. Only happened in first turn, rarely happened anyway.

2. Sinian still can't charge some of the skill she learned, most often the one she get from tomes(deliverance, soft ,etc..., void as well, other skills which use jp to learn have no problem). I did read the patchnote but this bug still occur, unfortunately. (Is this a bug or those skills learned from other sources are not supposed to be charged through meditation?)

Really enjoy it,  looking forward to see the future content you mentioned. And to be honest, 7 dollars for a game like this, are you sure you are not doing some charity work or something?XD


Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoy it!!

As for the bugs:

  1. Yes, I've seen this reported before and unfortunately I can't seem to find a source for why this is happening. I'll continue to look into it, however.
  2. I assume you're playing on version 1.4, which means that this bug isn't solved yet after all. ^ ^; Oh well, I'll take another look!

(And yes, $7 is a little cheap for the amount of content in the game, but I'll be upgrading it to $10 once the 2 new characters and more are added! Thanks again!)


Yes, i play it on the latest version, there is no reason to play on old version when you keep updating this wonderful game right.:)

Just thinking that you deserve to earn more for your hard work. 

(Still in early game(church, gallery), personally i think early game is a little bit easy, kinda have to refrain to fight all the enemy to keep myself going overlevel XD. Elixir is kind of cheap as well. But those are just my personal opinion. Thanks for all your efforts on making this quality game an even better one.) 


Oh! Just want to clarify that i bought Dlsite version. In case you can check who purchase your product. i didn't play it illegally XD. 

Don't need to reply to this though, just a bit of afraid you may find it weird how someone doesn't have a purchase record know about its content.


Not a problem! I had expected as much, it's fine!


Well, that's a relief. XD


Nice game, but i want to know how or there i can found 7 and 8 party member (SPOILER. i have found lost mage ). And thank you, dear Vhiel, for this masterpiece !!!


Thank you very much!! Here are some hints:

  • For Party Member 7, go to the most northwest part of Gianna Forest and you'll find a new area.
  • For Party Member 8, start at the bridge going into Sea Market and go north until you find a new Chateau area.


Sorry, but i have 2 more questions. How can i save Alisha and cure Dr Vemix?

  • For Alisha, you should be able to cure her with a Mind Cleanser. If you have one and talk to her after beating her, it should work!
  • Sadly, there's not way to cure Dr. Vemix in the game. (But there's always the future...)

Thank you very much!!!!!


I love the game so much variety and unique choices when beating bosses.

I have one question though is the prime minister Marisa a boss and if yes then how do I face her.

Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying the game!


You can fight Marisa as a boss two ways: If you side with the Demon Queen, she is a required boss during the ending and if you take over Lady Hargrave's Vanguard, she is an optional boss during the ending.


AMAZING game. Only found out about it a few days ago when I saw it on DLsite. Bought it there, loved it SO much I came here and bought it again to show my support.

Came for the fetish content, stayed for... well, still the fetish content, but also the very clever game system. Never before have I seen status ailments used so effectively in an RPG. I especially like how some supposedly negative statuses can help mitigate others (like Igniting someone who's about to max out their lust due to Arousal). I love the open-endedness of it too, with so many different paths to take and multiple solutions and outcomes to the various scenarios.

Sadly my original playthrough seems to have hit a dead end, with the two remaining Orbs unattainable (nobody wants to give me a maid disguise, nor does there seem to be a boat  or functional submarine available anywhere.) 

Not sure if I'm just stupid or if it's a bug preventing me from proceeding after doing things in the wrong sequence... but if I have to start over, at least this is one game I definitely wouldn't mind playing all over again. Fantastic game!

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the support and the kind words!!

As for the dead end you've reached, it's possible it could be a bug, but try going to both Jyla's manor in Sea Market (simply stepping inside will give you the maid disguises if it works) or talk to the Prime Minister and she should give it to you. As for the matter of sea travel, place all of your Jewels / Tomes in the Hall of Orbs in Gianna and a cutscene will play to take you from there.

Thanks again for the support!


Thank YOU for the amazing game!

Yes, sorry to say, it's a bug - the Prime Minister just repeats her usual "nothing has changed" speech, and nothing happens when entering Jyla's manor.

I tried reloading an old save and recruiting Jyla BEFORE getting the Council Invitations - after that, everything went as expected. I'm guessing both scenes are unavailable after certain events take place that cause the rooms to change.

Thanks again, both for the game and the helpful advice. I don't mind having to restart from an earlier save... it means I get to enjoy the Tomb and Best Girl's House dungeons again! :)


great game! recommend playing!

question/bug not sure:

made one of the companions a zombie and soulstone and then went to a statue and made it into a soul golem. However i wanted the zombie back so I replaced the golem and took the soul stone but the zombie didn't come back and now it saying that i cant use the golem because there's a zombie? is there something I'm missing or is this a bug?

Thanks for playing!

Unfortunately, that does sound like a bug! I'll be adding it to my to-fix list. Thanks for reporting!

hey quick update managed to fix it by going to the cathedral and using the alter.

Also have you ever though about making a wiki?

I have! It's a more difficult process to set up than you might think, though, so in the meantime the fans have an infosheet you can refer to:


Picked this up after trying the demo.  Really neat game; fetishes aside the focus on 'status ailments' makes the combat interesting compared to your usual RPGmaker fare, and it's (generally) done in a way that's not an annoying 'haha the enemies are just going to stunlock you every turn' style.  Lots of good QoL decisions like easy fast travel and clearly labelling map all transitions, and while random encounters generally suck at least there's immediate access to an item that cuts the rate way down so it's not obnoxious.

My only wish would be some way to speed up battles when fighting trash, other than that great game.

Thank you very much and I'm glad you enjoyed!

If it helps, there is an option for Battle Animation Speed in the menu. It doesn't speed up everything, but it certainly makes battles take less time.

I couldn't get 8 members. Where does the second character from the right become a companion?

Try starting in Gianna Forest, then head as far to the north and west as you can go.

I am enjoying this game.

I have a question: I have an angry orc and a slave in the Tabnath mountains, how do I turn the orc back into a human?

I would appreciate it if you could tell me.


You need to have an item called "orc antibody." 

If the orc antibodies don't work, is this too late?

There's distilled version in orc city, shaman's store.


I was able to solve the problem. Thank you.

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