I bought the game like a year ago, but realized I'm currently playing a demo version. I don't see a full download version right now, but it's asking me to pay another $10. I check and I paid $7 for it some time around last year.
How do I solve this? The full version is not available for installation. I'm missing access to areas.
Found out that I can't have it on Itch. Looks like it can only be as download. Hoping my saves are compatible. Dx
Edit: Oof. There's 3 save folders instead of 1 now. Oh well. Thanks for keeping the game updated anyways! I didn't realize I was still playing so many version back all this time. I though I was just dumb and couldn't find the stuff. ^^"
There needs to be some serious balancing updates made. I'm realising a couple hours into the game that it's seemingly incredibly easy to get soft locked, and items to cure conditions that drop from enemies that have a very low drop chance. Gold drops are also very low and I'm more likely to have my entire party unplayable before I actually can afford a single cure item from the shop. Good game and has a lot of variety but wow the balance is so irritating.
Some more criticism to consider : I'm finding that party members that disappear are really hard to find. I barely found a character that disappeared from turning into a tree, and I cannot find a character that disappeared due to the hieroglyph effect. It would help if there was an option to just tell you where they are, or have them show up on the party member page in their disappeared state, because I've looped the tomb like 10 times and can't find the missing party member.
EDIT: I think there's a bug with the hieroglyph. Sable was a zombie/skeleton, had their soul in a soulgem, and was turned into a hieroglyph. I assume you're supposed to use the pickaxe on the blue crystal wall to find the missing party member(I couldn't find them anywhere and the sign next to it seems to reference the status description in the journal with the mention about forgotten party members). I returned Sable to her original body via an altar and the soulgem and it returned her body. I'm afraid the save might be bugged now although I dunno.
Final feedback to add as I finished the game : Any options for a NG+ option to replay or is the game not built for that? I suppose anyone could use the cheats on the easy mode but that feels a bit much if you just want to replay but keep all levels, items, etc.
I also couldn't find the final end 2 and I'm not sure how to unlock it lol
Hello there, I seem to be kinda stuck. Playing the demo and it seems the only place I can really progress into is this mansion that I need to "look like a maid to enter" but I looked just about everywhere and I cannot find any maid outfits.
I have just defeated the council and got the blue book. Also got the green book a while back. Marisa is just repeating her "I am too important to talk to you" spiel and no other NPC seems to point me in any direction.
Decided to check up on this and surprised it keeps getting major updates. Seriously, this game is criminally under the radar and gets better support than games I've paid x10 the price of. Randomizers and difficulty adjustments sound neat, I'll definitely try a new playthrough with those. One thing I noticed right away though is the stat randomizer can pick the exact same buff and penalty. Not sure that's intended.
Do you have any plans to move on to new project after this?
Thank you very much and I'm very glad you happened to come across it!
And yeah, I noticed that about the stat randomizer while testing, but it felt sort of in the spirit of "true randomness" to let then potentially zero out like that. I think I'll change that in a future update, though.
As for the future, I'm currently working on getting Gianna onto Steam and after that I'll be working on an expansion to the game adding new areas, statuses, bad ends, and more!
Well I'm actually going to be finished with 3.0 very soon. ^ ^; So it would probably be best for you to wait before continuing, but the translated dialogue itself should be relatively simple to copy over to the new RPG Maker project.
First of all Found this game by pure chance, tried the demo, so impressed I bought the full thing and glad I did. Hypnosis, monsters and more.
Quick question though, how do I propose to the party member? Cause I have thier admiration up past 200. Maybe I missed something in it's tutorial, but I am lost.
Hello and thank you very much for the support! Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!
If you haven't found it yet, there's a location in the western region of the world called the Seaside Chalet you can buy. Once you do, you can interact with teammates and propose if their attraction is high enough.
But now I've encountered something that might actually be a problem. After defeating the sculptress, she and Liliana are just gone. Can't seem to find Liliana and there's not even a scene choosing the boss's fate. Is this a bug or is there something I'm missing?
If it helps notification, had gotten smashed by the boss the first time and so had to come back. And the gaunlet of enemies before reaching the fight didn't spawn the second time.
Yes, unfortunately this glitch was still present in this release after being reported and thought to be fixed prior, but was reported again. Apologies!! Thankfully, though, it has been fixed with the latest dev version of the game and won't be present for the full release of version 3.0.
As long as it allowed you to get the Green Jewel, the save should still be salvageable, but you'll need to use a secret space found across from the Blue Orb's pedestal in the Hall of Orbs in Gianna Castle. Interact with the wall opposite and you should get a prompt offering to restore any lost party members. Again, apologies for the inconvenience!
Love this game, been playing the Hard Mode beta with full randomiser on. A couple of things I've observed in doing so:
1) Some conditions are a nightmare to get rid of and can put a stop on your progress. Slime has been a real barrier, I've had a girl go from 0 to full Slime in one turn with the changes and have not been able to get hold of a Solidifer for anything. As Lilina is stuck as one, I can't finish the gallery and therefore progress further in the game. Faceless Maid has had similar issues and I'm sure there might be a few others. It might be worth having the merchants sell a "cure all conditions" item for either a high fee or some other cost (Maybe whoever uses it loses a level in their main class or something?).
2) Item distribution is a bit hit-and-miss. I've gotten 10 mask fragments, 3 gambler's tickets, 3 government letters and an one extra spellbook than required but have yet to receive tickets to access the stadium or circus. The stadium still lets you in after you pay the money if you have the ticket or not, but the circus is a no-go. It might be a good idea to have the game limit how many of the key items it gives out, so once it hits, say, the 5 mask fragments needed, it doesn't spawn any more to allow other important items a chance.
3) Some of the fights are a bit unbalanced with the hard mode changes. The Laelaps bounty hunters are a bit too lethal, they can quickly chain together putting collars on party members and hitting the button and can, if they feel like it, two turn you as the Captured state means no one comes in to replace them. Meanwhile, I've cheesed a few fights on accident because of boss enemies focusing solely on a party member they can't get rid of. I beat the bonus boss lady (the one in the manor in the castle town) pretty much because she became obsessed with mindbreaking a slime that couldn't be mindbroke.
4) Rokkas appears to be bugged, after the first few rounds the battle just stops with no options available.
Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying the game and the new features!
As for your points:
1) That's a fair point, although keep in mind that the Morph spell is always an option, especially with the Copy status. Limited cure options is part of the appeal of these modes, I'd say, but it's also true that having it happen to Lilina can be an unfortunate outcome. Perhaps a method to cure Lilina specifically could be added to avoid these sorts of roadblocks.
2) I agree that some tweaking may be in order (I've had multiple people report that the Chest of Maid Outfits is notoriously difficult to find depending on your RNG), though right now the availability of key items is 1-to-1, so since there are actually 15 Mask Fragments in the City of Mist, they do take a big chunk of them just given how far they outnumber other types. As for the stadium, that sounds like a bug, so I'll be taking a look at that.
3) The Laelaps have been in need of a nerf for a while, to be honest, so you can expect that to happen in both Normal and Hard. Pretty much all of these issues ties into the AI, which is tricky given what RPGM is capable of, even with plugins like the ones I use. But I'll be tweaking them as development advances and I'll fix the Slime+Mindbreak issue right away!
4)I've had some other people report this and I'm working on a solution. It seems to be related to her necklace flashing "move."
Hello, I’m almost done with the game, though I’d like to ask if there is a Stop tome laying around, where the puppet customizer is, where the @L@SH@S H@@S@ is, and how do I find the rest of the recruitable characters, cause I’ve only found 7. Sorry if that’s a lot to ask
Hello I love the game so far, but I seem to be stuck on the Key i got from the Forestkin Chief on MT Pleasant. Where do I find the keyhole for it, cause I have tried it all around the Master's House but it doesnt fit anywhere
As of version 2.1, they should unlock automatically when you place them, but if you're using a transferred save from 2.0 where Orbs have already been placed, I'm afraid they're unobtainable for that playthrough.
found the answer had to interact with the scrolls on the maesters desk loving the game really happy with the amount of content and hope more keeps getting added
If this or something like it happens, I've placed a hidden space in the Hall of Orbs room that can return missing party members to the party. Just interact with the black wall space directly across from the Blue Orb's spot.
Sorry about this and I'll continue fixing bugs for the next version!
I figured out what caused the problem. If you fail the fight against The sculptor and the Lilina golem it causes a sequence break of some sort and going back to rematch doesn't start the cutscene for the fight or the ending.
Hopefully, yes! I'm going to try and have it available before the end of April, but things often come up that delays those plans. I'll be announcing it here when it is, though!
hello just started playing your game and enjoying it so far. just 1 question is the h content (scenes) only in the bad ends and if yes are there plans to add h content in other ways? thanks
Well, I suppose it depends on how you define H content since there's a lot that happens during the battles as well. Other than that, some H events can happen in the overall story, but most of it is in the Bad Ends, yes.
Amazing game, love the huge variety of content, the depth, and the shockingly deep worldbuilding!
There's just one thing I seem to be stuck on. Well, perhaps two. It seems like there should be a way to walk on the darker patches of lava in the Demons' Spire, but I've got no idea what it is. Also I'm not sure how to get at the chest behind Marisa.
there is a thing I don't understand, when samona becomes a puppet I can't put any puppet accessories on her, it's intentional or a bug, because if it's intentional, it wouldn't make sense because she was a puppet goddess and she seemed to have all her senses and the only thing you use is the common object to detransform her, shouldn't she be able to return to her form with the objects on her workbench? because you can transform companions into their puppet god form. I forgot to mention that when they die if they are transformed into puppets samona god, the same thing happens as the enemies with dresses on the train when trying to recover them the characters disappear from the formation
Well, there's actually a way to get her Attachments to work hidden away in West Beach somewhere... (Though her being unable to use them in puppet form is unintended, so I'll be trying to fix that soon.)
I may add something in the future for Samona regaining her "Puppet Goddess" form, but as for now, she can only mold the others to her wishes.
Is there anyway to find and fight specific enemies? I fear I may have locked myself out of a journal entry, Ripvannibala. (I have edited this comment a few times to update the list of ones that I've haven't found.) If there isn't, could you please add a feature where getting an orb or tome unlocks the missable entries related to that area?
I got one of the two added in the update at the West Beach Outpost, but I don't know where the other fellow is. I've looked for hints in the game, but so far I have no idea where she is.
Oh, odd little bug I just ran into, but it appears if you equip the Sharpshooter Hat onto the Lost Wizard character while she's wearing the Eternal Vow Ring, it will be unequipped once you leave/change the menu, and the "head" slot will temporarily be renamed to a second "weapon" slot. Also, for some reason, I seem to have been given 3 Eternal Vow Rings, not sure if that's intentional or not.
Yes, that's certainly unintentional, haha. I'll be working on a 2.1 version with plenty of bugfixes for later this week, hopefully. Thank you for the report and feel free to visit the game's Discord where we have a full bug reporting channel: https://discord.gg/B5JwPBa
an idea, since you can get the orc papyrus to transform your characters into orc (it is obtained in a secret area of the forgotten bastion, before they give it to you normally), as in the laboratory that when transforming us into drones the orcs leave you pass without asking you or even that there may be special interactions, by the way your game is very good, keep growing and growing, nobody can stop you
Special Orc interactions have been requested for a while now, so I'll probably add them in a future update. For now, just assume that the Orcs have some way to tell that your party isn't "real" Orcs, haha.
I have discovered an error that makes samona when she
transforms into an orc keeps the level of the base class
and does not restart like the others, if I find another
error or bug I will let you know
Well now I'm just sad... I know I have to beat Kasmut to progress the story, and I don't really want to force anyone into being a mindless servant unless they really deserve it (I believe that should be something we choose to be) but I also don't wanna make the poor girl cry, now I'm conflicted... XP
I took care of the wildfolk causing trouble at Pleasant village, told their leader about it and...completely brain farted and can't remember what she told me to do afterwards. I don't know what to do next and have no clues to go on. ><
Been awhile, but try exploring the mayor's house with the key you obtained from wildfolk fight, and then afterwards explore the fields till you find a hidden greenhouse.
Is there a way to tell where you are in the main quest line and what the next step is?
Also, I kind of left Sinian pregnant too long and now she has a new status with red eggs. This isn't showing up in the journal and I can't remove it, any info?
Hello again. Now it will be my last questions, because i have no idea how to solve this three problems. First. Magic shop in beach outpost. Can i open it and if yes how ? How to become true city of mist noble ?
The last one. How to cure hieroglyph, caused by fragment (key item) ?
Thank you a lot for your previous answers, dear Vheil. They helping me to normally play and enjoying your beautiful game. And sorry for my poor English
Q1: Currently the shop is not open, but likely saved for future expansions.
Q2: Could you clarify what you mean? I know that wearing the mask over a period of time will merge with your character, making them a noble, and equiping a baton accessory will make them a conductor with unique skills.
Q3: In leftmost room there's a glowing seal, interact with a crack 'n pickaxe next to it, then check either left or right hallway (depends on the character) with a gorgon braid in your inventory.
On the topic of your Q1, good news: there's an update for games' discord that shows image preview of both magic shop being accessible and the area south of the outpost. Wonder how close this update is to a full release, but exciting stuff regardless!
Playing the demo, I'm at the sea port place? I went to go activate a shop and ended up in a random encounter. I won but i'm stuck at an error message since it seemed the battle started just as I tried to open the shop.
Unfortunately, this bug was fixed in the full game, but hasn't been in the demo, apparently. ^ ^; Sorry about that! I'll try to get some fixes up by the end of the week.
First of all, i love the game. second i have a problem in the game. After getting the green orb, Lilina did not come back to my party. Did i do something wrong?
How did you even win that fight? The golem guards the boss and then you are completely helpless to do anything because the golem is invincible and never stops guarding.
Hello, today i've come with 3 problems. First. I have found a bad-end infinity cycle. If you have 2 characters and your first character wearing skeleton mask and you use soul stone on the second, cycle will begin. After Bed End you will start with character in skeleton mask, what will cause another Bed End.
Second. There is the last of 4 bald sisters ? I have found 1 in cathedral, 2 in tomb and the last one in gallery.
Last problem. It is possible to open house, near to sea market and if it possible, how ?
Really enjoy this game. So much fun mechanic to explore and utilize. But don't you think items do not take a turn to use kinda ruin the fun of this game? I mean, items are easy to stockpile. One can buy tons of it and clear all of status effect without taking a turn. Otherwise really fun game. Hope I can find more game filled with bunch of sexy status effects like this one.
The items being a free action is meant to make the game much easier, yes, but that's a conscious decision because I don't want to make the game too difficult for players who just want to play it for the hentai.
I am going to be adding both an Easy and Hard mode in the future, so please look forward to that!
Good to know. (Spoiler Alert!)And I might need your help here. I can't find the Alchemist Lady the councilor mentioned. Is she related to the Lab deep in the forest? Also, what do you mean by "good amounts"? (Spoiler Alert!) Cheer II and Cheer III has exactly same effect(raise hp and lust a bit) as base form. Maybe it is a bug?
Hello again, dear Vhiel. Because of my bad english i cant undertand how get blue tome (Spolers. I have seen him in magic shop near to sea market, but cant take this) and i do not understand how to cross the coty of mist (Spoilers. i have 5 mask fragment and cant cross location with 4 houses)/ Please, help me
For the Blue Tome, find an item called "Council's Invitation." You can get one by talking to the Prime Minister, Lady Marisa. Then go to Jyla's manor and speak to her maid, Vorosess.
For the City of Mist, once you have 5 mask fragments, look at the glass door. The glass door can be found by going south from the Fast Travel point and into the stairs there. From there, you can fight the boss.
First of all I love this game its amazing haven't had such great time hunting bad ends in such a long time and was constantly impressed by the changes based on how you handled the area. One bug I encountered however is that I get stopped by the Cerberus statue in the boss rush not triggering a fight and also blocking the path forward. Not a big deal I had already done pretty much everything else. I was on ver 1.4 although I had done some of the early game like the sea market and tower on ver 1.3. I defeated Cerberus normally and then again once during the boss challenge and this was my second time entering the boss rush area however I didn't get to Cerberus the first time, I had left the area after one boss to go fill up on consumables.
Use it on the mirror in the gallery of the Chateau d'Yterre, then find Madame Yterre and follow her or wait around for a while and she'll go to the mirror, where you can recruit her to your party without fighting her.
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I bought the game like a year ago, but realized I'm currently playing a demo version. I don't see a full download version right now, but it's asking me to pay another $10. I check and I paid $7 for it some time around last year.
How do I solve this? The full version is not available for installation. I'm missing access to areas.
Found out that I can't have it on Itch. Looks like it can only be as download. Hoping my saves are compatible. Dx
Edit: Oof. There's 3 save folders instead of 1 now. Oh well. Thanks for keeping the game updated anyways! I didn't realize I was still playing so many version back all this time. I though I was just dumb and couldn't find the stuff. ^^"
Time to explore~
If you bought it here on itch in the past, you need to go into "My library" on your account to find the download links (yeah it is kinds weird)
And yes the game have 3 save folders now since the game have 3 difficulties now as well, so a save folder for each difficulty
Thanks. Just getting back up to speed on some of those things there. : P
Nice to see this game still moving!
how do you undo the scarecrow tf? I lost sianna, and she completely lefT my party
She will be standing as a scarecrow somewhere in the map you were in when she got transformed
There needs to be some serious balancing updates made. I'm realising a couple hours into the game that it's seemingly incredibly easy to get soft locked, and items to cure conditions that drop from enemies that have a very low drop chance. Gold drops are also very low and I'm more likely to have my entire party unplayable before I actually can afford a single cure item from the shop. Good game and has a lot of variety but wow the balance is so irritating.
Some more criticism to consider : I'm finding that party members that disappear are really hard to find. I barely found a character that disappeared from turning into a tree, and I cannot find a character that disappeared due to the hieroglyph effect. It would help if there was an option to just tell you where they are, or have them show up on the party member page in their disappeared state, because I've looped the tomb like 10 times and can't find the missing party member.
EDIT: I think there's a bug with the hieroglyph. Sable was a zombie/skeleton, had their soul in a soulgem, and was turned into a hieroglyph. I assume you're supposed to use the pickaxe on the blue crystal wall to find the missing party member(I couldn't find them anywhere and the sign next to it seems to reference the status description in the journal with the mention about forgotten party members). I returned Sable to her original body via an altar and the soulgem and it returned her body. I'm afraid the save might be bugged now although I dunno.
Final feedback to add as I finished the game : Any options for a NG+ option to replay or is the game not built for that? I suppose anyone could use the cheats on the easy mode but that feels a bit much if you just want to replay but keep all levels, items, etc.
I also couldn't find the final end 2 and I'm not sure how to unlock it lol
Hello there, I seem to be kinda stuck. Playing the demo and it seems the only place I can really progress into is this mansion that I need to "look like a maid to enter" but I looked just about everywhere and I cannot find any maid outfits.
I have just defeated the council and got the blue book. Also got the green book a while back. Marisa is just repeating her "I am too important to talk to you" spiel and no other NPC seems to point me in any direction.
wont let me play says the nw_elf.dll is missing
Decided to check up on this and surprised it keeps getting major updates. Seriously, this game is criminally under the radar and gets better support than games I've paid x10 the price of. Randomizers and difficulty adjustments sound neat, I'll definitely try a new playthrough with those. One thing I noticed right away though is the stat randomizer can pick the exact same buff and penalty. Not sure that's intended.
Do you have any plans to move on to new project after this?
Thank you very much and I'm very glad you happened to come across it!
And yeah, I noticed that about the stat randomizer while testing, but it felt sort of in the spirit of "true randomness" to let then potentially zero out like that. I think I'll change that in a future update, though.
As for the future, I'm currently working on getting Gianna onto Steam and after that I'll be working on an expansion to the game adding new areas, statuses, bad ends, and more!
That would be a very big project, but I would greatly appreciate that!
If you like, you can visit our Discord at https://discord.gg/B5JwPBa. I don't really know any Chinese, but I can try to help where I can!
Well I'm actually going to be finished with 3.0 very soon. ^ ^; So it would probably be best for you to wait before continuing, but the translated dialogue itself should be relatively simple to copy over to the new RPG Maker project.
Again, thank you very much for doing this!
First of all Found this game by pure chance, tried the demo, so impressed I bought the full thing and glad I did. Hypnosis, monsters and more.
Quick question though, how do I propose to the party member? Cause I have thier admiration up past 200. Maybe I missed something in it's tutorial, but I am lost.
Hello and thank you very much for the support! Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!
If you haven't found it yet, there's a location in the western region of the world called the Seaside Chalet you can buy. Once you do, you can interact with teammates and propose if their attraction is high enough.
Thanks for the tip.
But now I've encountered something that might actually be a problem. After defeating the sculptress, she and Liliana are just gone. Can't seem to find Liliana and there's not even a scene choosing the boss's fate. Is this a bug or is there something I'm missing?
If it helps notification, had gotten smashed by the boss the first time and so had to come back. And the gaunlet of enemies before reaching the fight didn't spawn the second time.
Yes, unfortunately this glitch was still present in this release after being reported and thought to be fixed prior, but was reported again. Apologies!! Thankfully, though, it has been fixed with the latest dev version of the game and won't be present for the full release of version 3.0.
As long as it allowed you to get the Green Jewel, the save should still be salvageable, but you'll need to use a secret space found across from the Blue Orb's pedestal in the Hall of Orbs in Gianna Castle. Interact with the wall opposite and you should get a prompt offering to restore any lost party members. Again, apologies for the inconvenience!
Love this game, been playing the Hard Mode beta with full randomiser on. A couple of things I've observed in doing so:
1) Some conditions are a nightmare to get rid of and can put a stop on your progress. Slime has been a real barrier, I've had a girl go from 0 to full Slime in one turn with the changes and have not been able to get hold of a Solidifer for anything. As Lilina is stuck as one, I can't finish the gallery and therefore progress further in the game. Faceless Maid has had similar issues and I'm sure there might be a few others. It might be worth having the merchants sell a "cure all conditions" item for either a high fee or some other cost (Maybe whoever uses it loses a level in their main class or something?).
2) Item distribution is a bit hit-and-miss. I've gotten 10 mask fragments, 3 gambler's tickets, 3 government letters and an one extra spellbook than required but have yet to receive tickets to access the stadium or circus. The stadium still lets you in after you pay the money if you have the ticket or not, but the circus is a no-go. It might be a good idea to have the game limit how many of the key items it gives out, so once it hits, say, the 5 mask fragments needed, it doesn't spawn any more to allow other important items a chance.
3) Some of the fights are a bit unbalanced with the hard mode changes. The Laelaps bounty hunters are a bit too lethal, they can quickly chain together putting collars on party members and hitting the button and can, if they feel like it, two turn you as the Captured state means no one comes in to replace them. Meanwhile, I've cheesed a few fights on accident because of boss enemies focusing solely on a party member they can't get rid of. I beat the bonus boss lady (the one in the manor in the castle town) pretty much because she became obsessed with mindbreaking a slime that couldn't be mindbroke.
4) Rokkas appears to be bugged, after the first few rounds the battle just stops with no options available.
Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying the game and the new features!
As for your points:
1) That's a fair point, although keep in mind that the Morph spell is always an option, especially with the Copy status. Limited cure options is part of the appeal of these modes, I'd say, but it's also true that having it happen to Lilina can be an unfortunate outcome. Perhaps a method to cure Lilina specifically could be added to avoid these sorts of roadblocks.
2) I agree that some tweaking may be in order (I've had multiple people report that the Chest of Maid Outfits is notoriously difficult to find depending on your RNG), though right now the availability of key items is 1-to-1, so since there are actually 15 Mask Fragments in the City of Mist, they do take a big chunk of them just given how far they outnumber other types. As for the stadium, that sounds like a bug, so I'll be taking a look at that.
3) The Laelaps have been in need of a nerf for a while, to be honest, so you can expect that to happen in both Normal and Hard. Pretty much all of these issues ties into the AI, which is tricky given what RPGM is capable of, even with plugins like the ones I use. But I'll be tweaking them as development advances and I'll fix the Slime+Mindbreak issue right away!
4)I've had some other people report this and I'm working on a solution. It seems to be related to her necklace flashing "move."
Again, thank you for the feedback!
Hello, I’m almost done with the game, though I’d like to ask if there is a Stop tome laying around, where the puppet customizer is, where the @L@SH@S H@@S@ is, and how do I find the rest of the recruitable characters, cause I’ve only found 7. Sorry if that’s a lot to ask
Hi and thanks for playing!
I'd answer your questions, but from the looks of it, you've already gotten some help from the Discord! ^ ^ Thanks for stopping by!
Hello I love the game so far, but I seem to be stuck on the Key i got from the Forestkin Chief on MT Pleasant. Where do I find the keyhole for it, cause I have tried it all around the Master's House but it doesnt fit anywhere
Thank you for playing!
Try exploring around in the farmland area and you should find somewhere to use it. ^ ^
Ok how would someone get to Castle Hargrove and Demon Spire?
also thanks help on that info
There's some steps to that:
Is there anyway to get the Orb perks after you place them on the pedestals?
As of version 2.1, they should unlock automatically when you place them, but if you're using a transferred save from 2.0 where Orbs have already been placed, I'm afraid they're unobtainable for that playthrough.
Dang, guess I'll just have to 100% it again
I'm having a lot of fun so far! But I'm kind of stuck on one point. How do I activate the golems in the tomb? What do I need for them?
Glad to hear it and thanks for playing!!
For those golems, you'll need a Soulgem. If you haven't seen those yet, try the Forsaken Tower in Gianna Forest.
Ahhhh, I see. Thank you very much!
In my denseness I am stuck on the ghost express in the library is the end of the content for this area or am i just missing something obvious.?
p.s how to I tf back into maids after the mansion area?
Seems like you need to do a bit of random reading. Party members can be turned back into maids (not disguised ones) with Yterre.
pardon me but for the life of me i cant find where to use the cumstained key from the green house in mt pleasant.
found the answer had to interact with the scrolls on the maesters desk loving the game really happy with the amount of content and hope more keeps getting added
Glad to hear it, thank you!
More is definitely on the way as well - next planned step is difficulty modes and a Steam release!
so not sure if this is a bug or if i just missed something but Lilina completely disappeared after getting the green orb.
It certainly sounds like a bug, unfortunately.
If this or something like it happens, I've placed a hidden space in the Hall of Orbs room that can return missing party members to the party. Just interact with the black wall space directly across from the Blue Orb's spot.
Sorry about this and I'll continue fixing bugs for the next version!
I figured out what caused the problem. If you fail the fight against The sculptor and the Lilina golem it causes a sequence break of some sort and going back to rematch doesn't start the cutscene for the fight or the ending.
oh that’s good
any chance of this coming to steam
Hopefully, yes! I'm going to try and have it available before the end of April, but things often come up that delays those plans. I'll be announcing it here when it is, though!
hello just started playing your game and enjoying it so far. just 1 question is the h content (scenes) only in the bad ends and if yes are there plans to add h content in other ways? thanks
Well, I suppose it depends on how you define H content since there's a lot that happens during the battles as well. Other than that, some H events can happen in the overall story, but most of it is in the Bad Ends, yes.
Are there a android port in this game
Unfortunately no, I haven't looked into mobile game options for RPG Maker yet. I will give it a look if I get the time!
Amazing game, love the huge variety of content, the depth, and the shockingly deep worldbuilding!
There's just one thing I seem to be stuck on. Well, perhaps two. It seems like there should be a way to walk on the darker patches of lava in the Demons' Spire, but I've got no idea what it is. Also I'm not sure how to get at the chest behind Marisa.
Thank you very much!! I'm always very happy to hear such nice things about the game.
(Spoiler answers for your questions below:)
1) You'll need to equip a Flame Amulet on a party member first in order to cross the lava, and
2) That chest is only important for lore reasons, more or less. You can't access it.
there is a thing I don't understand, when samona becomes a puppet I can't put any puppet accessories on her, it's intentional or a bug, because if it's intentional, it wouldn't make sense because she was a puppet goddess and she seemed to have all her senses and the only thing you use is the common object to detransform her, shouldn't she be able to return to her form with the objects on her workbench? because you can transform companions into their puppet god form. I forgot to mention that when they die if they are transformed into puppets samona god, the same thing happens as the enemies with dresses on the train when trying to recover them the characters disappear from the formation
Well, there's actually a way to get her Attachments to work hidden away in West Beach somewhere... (Though her being unable to use them in puppet form is unintended, so I'll be trying to fix that soon.)
I may add something in the future for Samona regaining her "Puppet Goddess" form, but as for now, she can only mold the others to her wishes.
ok thanks for the info i'll look it up, and sorry if i'm too annoying
Not at all! Thank you for playing!
Is there anyway to find and fight specific enemies? I fear I may have locked myself out of a journal entry, Ripvannibala. (I have edited this comment a few times to update the list of ones that I've haven't found.) If there isn't, could you please add a feature where getting an orb or tome unlocks the missable entries related to that area?
You shouldn't be locked out of Ripvannibala, unless there was a change to the City of Mist challenge line.
Yeah, I discovered that she is the first enemy in the Mischief challenges, so I was able to unlock her entry from that.
I have a question.
I got one of the two added in the update at the West Beach Outpost, but I don't know where the other fellow is. I've looked for hints in the game, but so far I have no idea where she is.
With puppet in your party: check outside of the orc city. You'll find a familiar golden statue.
I didn't know that... Thank you for telling me!
(Spoilers below, of course:)
If you start at Tabnath (the Orc city) and go south, you'll see a narrow pathway that leads to the new area. Be sure to bring a puppet!
Thanks for letting me know!
Oh, odd little bug I just ran into, but it appears if you equip the Sharpshooter Hat onto the Lost Wizard character while she's wearing the Eternal Vow Ring, it will be unequipped once you leave/change the menu, and the "head" slot will temporarily be renamed to a second "weapon" slot. Also, for some reason, I seem to have been given 3 Eternal Vow Rings, not sure if that's intentional or not.
Yes, that's certainly unintentional, haha. I'll be working on a 2.1 version with plenty of bugfixes for later this week, hopefully. Thank you for the report and feel free to visit the game's Discord where we have a full bug reporting channel: https://discord.gg/B5JwPBa
an idea, since you can get the orc papyrus to transform your characters into orc (it is obtained in a secret area of the forgotten bastion, before they give it to you normally), as in the laboratory that when transforming us into drones the orcs leave you pass without asking you or even that there may be special interactions, by the way your game is very good, keep growing and growing, nobody can stop you
Thank you very much!!
Special Orc interactions have been requested for a while now, so I'll probably add them in a future update. For now, just assume that the Orcs have some way to tell that your party isn't "real" Orcs, haha.
I have discovered an error that makes samona when she transforms into an orc keeps the level of the base class and does not restart like the others, if I find another error or bug I will let you know
Well now I'm just sad... I know I have to beat Kasmut to progress the story, and I don't really want to force anyone into being a mindless servant unless they really deserve it (I believe that should be something we choose to be) but I also don't wanna make the poor girl cry, now I'm conflicted... XP
Sorry to hear that! XD
If it helps, it's mostly her choice to submit that way since you're giving her every opportunity to escape...
Well, fair enough. XD
Is their a unlock gallery (bad end journal)? I finally finished the game tried endings 01, 02 and 03. Find 03 to be the best though!
Thanks for playing and congratulations on beating the game!
There isn't a way to unlock all of the Bad Ends in the journal, but the fans have put together a list of Bad Ends and other information in this Google Document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16wZ7XEtz3pdHbk7_Z7UxtN-o1XI8QUUpIaUpPKCFv_0/edit?usp=sharing
Follow the instructions there and you should be able to find all of them!
Someone save me from my horrid memory.
I took care of the wildfolk causing trouble at Pleasant village, told their leader about it and...completely brain farted and can't remember what she told me to do afterwards. I don't know what to do next and have no clues to go on. ><
Been awhile, but try exploring the mayor's house with the key you obtained from wildfolk fight, and then afterwards explore the fields till you find a hidden greenhouse.
Is there a way to tell where you are in the main quest line and what the next step is?
Also, I kind of left Sinian pregnant too long and now she has a new status with red eggs. This isn't showing up in the journal and I can't remove it, any info?
The game has free-roam approach, so no real directions beyond exploring everywhere.
To cure the advanced state you need distilled orc antibody, the orc city sells them once you open the shaman shop.
Hey there.
First great game really. Then I wondered if we could and if so, where to find Maharani ?
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!
The Puppetmaster (Maharani) is not in the game as of now. I'm planning on adding her to the game, though!
Hello again. Now it will be my last questions, because i have no idea how to solve this three problems. First. Magic shop in beach outpost. Can i open it and if yes how ? How to become true city of mist noble ?
The last one. How to cure hieroglyph, caused by fragment (key item) ?
Thank you a lot for your previous answers, dear Vheil. They helping me to normally play and enjoying your beautiful game. And sorry for my poor English
Q1: Currently the shop is not open, but likely saved for future expansions.
Q2: Could you clarify what you mean? I know that wearing the mask over a period of time will merge with your character, making them a noble, and equiping a baton accessory will make them a conductor with unique skills.
Q3: In leftmost room there's a glowing seal, interact with a crack 'n pickaxe next to it, then check either left or right hallway (depends on the character) with a gorgon braid in your inventory.
Thank you for your answers!
No problem and happy to help any time.
On the topic of your Q1, good news: there's an update for games' discord that shows image preview of both magic shop being accessible and the area south of the outpost. Wonder how close this update is to a full release, but exciting stuff regardless!
Thank you very much for the support!!
That's a very unfortunate bug! ^ ^; I'll add it to the bugfix list. Thank you!
Hello, KuraScropia, thanks for playing!
Unfortunately, this bug was fixed in the full game, but hasn't been in the demo, apparently. ^ ^; Sorry about that! I'll try to get some fixes up by the end of the week.
First of all, i love the game. second i have a problem in the game. After getting the green orb, Lilina did not come back to my party. Did i do something wrong?
Unfortunately, that seems to be a bug some are running into. Are you using the most recent version (1.4)? It should be a bit more stable there.
Otherwise, you can interact with the wall directly south of the blue pedestal in the Hall of Orbs to "return" party members that are lost.
Thank you for playing!
How did you even win that fight? The golem guards the boss and then you are completely helpless to do anything because the golem is invincible and never stops guarding.
Maybe Spoilers
Hello, today i've come with 3 problems. First. I have found a bad-end infinity cycle. If you have 2 characters and your first character wearing skeleton mask and you use soul stone on the second, cycle will begin. After Bed End you will start with character in skeleton mask, what will cause another Bed End.
Second. There is the last of 4 bald sisters ? I have found 1 in cathedral, 2 in tomb and the last one in gallery.
Last problem. It is possible to open house, near to sea market and if it possible, how ?
Thank you, dear author.
Thank you very much for playing!
I hope you continue to enjoy the game!
Really enjoy this game. So much fun mechanic to explore and utilize. But don't you think items do not take a turn to use kinda ruin the fun of this game? I mean, items are easy to stockpile. One can buy tons of it and clear all of status effect without taking a turn. Otherwise really fun game. Hope I can find more game filled with bunch of sexy status effects like this one.
The items being a free action is meant to make the game much easier, yes, but that's a conscious decision because I don't want to make the game too difficult for players who just want to play it for the hentai.
I am going to be adding both an Easy and Hard mode in the future, so please look forward to that!
Good to know. (Spoiler Alert!)And I might need your help here. I can't find the Alchemist Lady the councilor mentioned. Is she related to the Lab deep in the forest? Also, what do you mean by "good amounts"? (Spoiler Alert!) Cheer II and Cheer III has exactly same effect(raise hp and lust a bit) as base form. Maybe it is a bug?
Hello again, dear Vhiel. Because of my bad english i cant undertand how get blue tome (Spolers. I have seen him in magic shop near to sea market, but cant take this) and i do not understand how to cross the coty of mist (Spoilers. i have 5 mask fragment and cant cross location with 4 houses)/ Please, help me
Hello, lazur_koul, thank you for playing!
Thank you!!! And thank you again for this beautiful game. I really like to spend here my free time.
Thank you very much! Please enjoy the game to its fullest!
First of all I love this game its amazing haven't had such great time hunting bad ends in such a long time and was constantly impressed by the changes based on how you handled the area. One bug I encountered however is that I get stopped by the Cerberus statue in the boss rush not triggering a fight and also blocking the path forward. Not a big deal I had already done pretty much everything else. I was on ver 1.4 although I had done some of the early game like the sea market and tower on ver 1.3. I defeated Cerberus normally and then again once during the boss challenge and this was my second time entering the boss rush area however I didn't get to Cerberus the first time, I had left the area after one boss to go fill up on consumables.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!!
I have heard of the Cerberus Guards bug in the Boss Rush; I'll be fixing that in the next update. Thanks for reporting, though!
What's the use of Yterre crystal shard?
For the shard, there are only two options:
Thank you for playing!